Piano Album 2023 by Dan Lee
"Melody that touches your soul"
is a multi-talented individual with exceptional skills as a pianist, piano teacher, composer, and artist. She holds a Master's degree in Music from HKBU and a Bachelor's degree from the HKU. With diverse training from esteemed masters and experience as a competition judge, Dan has developed a unique artistic voice in teaching and composing. Her life, marked by adventure and resilience as once a single mum, and through the journey of finding love and happiness, forming the new family, has deeply influenced her compositions. Dan Lee's bio encapsulates her multifaceted identity as a musician, teacher, composer, artist, and businesswoman, reflecting the depth of her personal journey through music.
Dan Lee
李丹是一位多元音樂人,富情感的鋼琴演奏,鋼琴教學經驗豐富,醉心音樂創作。早年獲香港浸會大學音樂碩士 及香港大學音樂學士學位。師承多位著名鋼琴大師,曾任多屆不同音樂大賽評委,寓創作於教學。
"Imaginary Dance -
What a nice musical touch!"
MUI Kwong-chiu
Chairman of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild
""An intimate and soulful piano album that speaks directly to the listener's emotions."
Dr. Anthony CHENG
"Dan Lee's album, titled "LOVE NOTES”, presents a captivating collection of seven sentimental piano compositions and one bonus piano with string ensembles that delve deep into the theme of love. Composed and performed with incredible finesse, each piece showcases Dan's exceptional talent and heartfelt expression. Her remarkable skill and emotive playing breathe life into each piece, creating a truly immersive and unforgettable musical experience. This is an album for anyone seeking an enchanting and heartfelt musical experience."
Dr. Edmond TSANG
Music Producer
"Imaginary Dance係本地鋼琴家 Dan Lee 嘅新作。聽呢首歌唔需要好耐時間,甚至乎只係頭幾個Note已經帶著聽眾進入一個幻想世界。
至於錄音室Avon Recording Studios 真係唔講得笑,首歌入面清清楚楚聽到個Steinway & Sons三角琴嘅每一下hammering,感受到音鎚敲落去琴弦嘅衝擊,亦都聽到Dan喺演奏過程入面控制Sustain Pedal之後三角琴嘅機械反應。
RTHK「瘋show快活人 」
嘉賓主持 朝朝
From friends & fans
“Beautiful song, I found you through the reel where you showed a snippet of it and have been waiting for the full song ever since. It was well worth the wait,
amazing work!”
“Love it!”
“It’s a very beautiful song, I’ve been listening to it nonstop! I knew the first time I heard it that I wanted to learn it, I love your playing!”
“Thank you so much for your sharing of the whole story, it is v inspiring.”
“好好聽 啲音色變化好正
“Where can I get this album?”
“This is beautiful and soothing!”
“我只係聽前一小part, 已覺得感動,listen and love at first sight,期待中 album 中”
Sold Out
A Night to remember
That sounds like a wonderful evening! Dan Lee's debut piano album, "Love Notes," promises to be a captivating experience. With her ability to use the piano to tell stories, she will create an intimate atmosphere that speaks directly to the emotions of the listener.
"Love Notes" is Dan's debut piano album, it is a collection of 7 heartfelt, intimate, and sentimental music, with one bonus track with string, composed by Dan Lee. Each piece is crafted to evoke a range of emotions and create a deep connection with the audience. Whether it's a tender love ballad, a melancholic melody, or an uplifting composition, Dan's music is designed to resonate with people's soul and memories.
📍S’way Recital Hall
Unit 01, 2/F, Knutsford Commercial Bldg, 4-5 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui
🎫 Ticks: $280 Free Seating (Age 6+)
($50 credits for buying Dan’s limited edition merchandise on site)
🎈Merch includes:
Complete Album Piano Score
Album CD
Limited album music box
Listen now by clicking the button
Only Available on Apple Music & Tidal
Sponsored by Mediapro Dolby Atmos Studio
日落。海音樂會 圓滿完成
I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the individuals who have
played a significant role in the making of this album
My husband Ralf,
my late father, my mother
Newson, Hysan, my beloved family & Friends
Special thanks to
Mr. Kelvin Lee
Mr. Dicky Wong
Dr. Anthony Cheng
Dr. Edmond Tsang
Dr. Mui Kwong-chiu
Maggie my BFF
Composer & Pianist: Dan Lee
Producer: Kelvin Lee
Mixing & Mastering: Kelvin Lee
Production Co: Music Is Water Studio
Designer: Dicky Wong
Recorded in Avon Recording Studio
Piano: Steinway & Sons Model D Concert Grand
Photo venue sponsor: Tom Lee Music co Ltd
Catalogue No,: DL978-988-70279-1-1
© ℗ 2023 Dan Lee. All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized copying, distribution, or reproduction of this CD is strictly prohibited. This CD is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Any unauthorized use may result in legal action