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​李丹老師 Ms Dan Dan - student award.jpg

Dear all, 

Thank you for choosing Ms Dan Dan  and I am lucky to teach your precious child!
To make it work let's work together to build a trustworthy relationship between us and the children!

Practice makes perfect!
Happy learning!
Ms Lee

Before we start 收生準則


1. 家中必須要有質素合理的鋼琴。

2. 必須每日練琴,以及每星期上一課,以保持良好進度。

Due to limited seats for students, I would appreciate parents and students agree to the following prerequisite before we started. 

1. There must be a piano in good condition for practicing, either at home or at nearby club house. 

2. Students must practice everyday and have lesson every week, in order to main a good progress. 

Warm Reminder for parents 給家長和學生的溫馨提示

1. 學費請於每月首堂(4/5星期) 以現金/payme或支票方式預付學費。

2. 建議每星期上一課,以保持良好進度。

3. 如須請事假請於至少上課兩天前通知,或病假則須儘快通知李老師。如未有通知而無故缺席恕不另作補堂,學費亦不會退回。請假須補堂並盡量於兩個月內補回。

4. 上課前請預留時間於B1大堂接待處登記。倘若遲到將按李老師時間表情況而定,不一定可以補回時間。

5. 學費依照教材之級別,程度及地區而定。

6. 考試合格後即為升級,學費會按升了一級有所調整。

7. 堅持持續練習,改正錯誤,以免担誤進度。未能按進度有可能完成需要補交練習影片。

8. 音樂會及演出:建議每年最少出席兩次,或參與音樂會欣賞兩次。

9. 請家人一同支持,提供理想的樂器,學習環境及氣氛;多與老師及孩子溝通,以達成最合適之學習目標。攜手同行,帶給孩子最美好的音樂童年。謝謝支持!


1. Please settle tuition fee monthly in advanced, according the number of weeks on 1st lesson, by cash, payme or cheque. 

2. Please have lesson weekly regularly in order to achieve good progress.

3. Please inform me at least 2 days in advance for casual leave / or ASAP if you have to take sick leaves, and try to have make-up lesson within two months.

4. Please spare time for registration in B1 before lesson, for late students with good reasons, I will try my best to make it up but it's only upon availability.

5. Tuition fee is charged according to the level / grade they're working on or if applicable, the location; and

6. Level-up when students passed the graded exams.

7. Please practice regularly, and do corrections accordingly, if there's serious layback on progress, I would request submission of practice videos during the week, so as to make sure there is progress. 

8. Please join student Recitals / concerts  / competitions at least 2 times a year. 

9. Please work together with Ms Lee for a better result of a beautiful musical life for the kids, by providing a good instrument, family environment, support and encouragement, as well as supervision. Thank you so much and I hope everyone enjoys the journey of music!

Please notice that by attending lessons represents we have agreement consent on the above reminder. 

Good Practice Habit 練琴好習慣

Lesson Day 上課日

1-2 days after 上課後1-2天

3-4 days after 上課後3-4天

5-6 days after 上課後5-6天

We've learnt something new, and we have gone through some points that we need to do corrections. 

I will be given out detailed practicing instructions in the notebook. Please let me know if there is any questions before lesson's end. 我們首先「交功課」:彈奏上一堂安排的練習,亦會練習技巧以及學習新樂曲、樂理等。請同學下課後必須查閱記事簿,參考上課時記錄的練習目標,以及修改部份,作這一星期的練習目標,不要為練夠時間而練,要以完成目標而練。

Plan first then start practicing. 

We do harder thing mix with easier stuff on this day. 

Harder things need time to build up, so we have 6 days for this. 

Easier stuff makes us happy and satisfactory. 


We repeat the harder parts until it get smooth. 

We start to study new pieces. 我們需要重複練習前兩天的部份,確保已經熟練。這兩天可以開始練習新曲目。

We review the previous things and confirm by playing through them. Try to speed up and make it more challenging. 這兩天應該已經能比較鞏固地彈熟先前的曲目,倘若有時間的話,可以將樂曲彈得更流暢,挑戰一下自己。

Next Lesson 下一課

It is the time you hand in your assignments, that is to show your teacher how hard you did the past few days, with precise corrections and a good try for the new pieces. 

下一課是「交功課」的日子,請在上課前查看要修改及練習的部份,確認已完成Ms Lee所給的功課。請避免重複做同樣的錯誤,以免浪費了上課的時間和拖慢了進度。

Practice Makes Perfect!

       For collaboration and music reference please send email to 如須任何查詢,請電郵至

©  by Dan Lee 2023

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